Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

It’s Not Only Republicans Enraged : DAY 27 – FEBRUARY 15, 2009

February 16, 2009

Reader Ted wrote yesterday:

Obama’s stealing the census from Congress has suddenly awakened and enraged the Republicans. Maybe this will arouse them as well to challenge Obama for stealing the Presidency itself. They surely know he is not an Article 2 “natural born citizen” (which is more than merely being a 14th Amendment “citizen”) by virtue of either Obama’s birth to a dad of Kenyan/British citizenship or birth in Kenya itself — as manifested by his unwillingness to supply his long form birth certificate now under seal.

We’re not all that certain about general Republican outrage but at least in The Congress the resistance to the Porkulus Bill was an indication of something approaching that condition. Certainly, conservatives across American are outraged by the betrayal of our Constitution that the present usurpation represents.The damage to the nation by the actions of this administration and The Congress is incalculable.

If allowed to stand the harm would take decades to undo, if indeed, it could be undone at all. The only solution left to patriotic Americans is to intensify the campaign to expose the fraud which leaves us with a usurper in the White House. Only exposure of the fraud, removal of the usurper, and the consequent nullification of all his actions will repair the damage. Perhaps there is hope, read on...

A new idea put forth yesterday is to convene a National Grand Jury ; its mission would be in part…

…. review and evaluate procedures, methods and systems used by federal governmental agencies to determine whether they comply with the stated objectives of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution for the United States of America as properly amended.

The National Grand Jury shall review the officers of the federal government to determine whether they are constitutionally qualified to hold office, and to determine if their actions and behavior are consistent with stated objectives of the Declaration of Independence, Constitution for the United States of America as properly amended, and the criminal law as recognized in any of the several states.

In a Jan 22, 2009 article Attorney Leo C. Donofrio discusses the history of the Federal Grand Jury System (The Grand Jury is the Fourth Branch of Government). The wonderful Federal Grand Jury system, created within the Fifth Amendment was a valuable tool for the citizens to exercise a check on their government and its functionaries and officers. However, the system was subverted in 1946 by a little little noticed change in the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure (FRCP) which attempted to “eliminate”,,..(excerpts from Donofrio follow)

The Constitutional power of “we the people” sitting as grand jurors…. Regardless, the power I am going to explain to you still exists in the Constitution, and has been upheld by the United States Supreme Court despite the intention of the legislature and other legal scholars to make our power disappear with a cheap magic trick…..

So, it’s clear that the Constitution intended to give the grand jury power to instigate criminal charges, and this was especially true when it came to government oversight. But something strange happened on the way to the present. That power was eroded by a lie enacted by the legislative branch. The 5th Amendment to the Constitution still contains the same words quoted above, but if you sit on a grand jury and return a “presentment” today, the prosecutor must sign it or it probably won’t be allowed to stand by the judge and the criminal charges you have brought to the court’s attention will be swept away. And the reason for this can be found in a legislative lie of epic proportions…..

The use of presentments had become obsolete because the grand jurors were not aware of their power. So the use of “presentments” became more and more rare, and then in 1946 the legislative branch seized upon the moment to make this power disappear by waving its magic wand over the Constitution…..

I submit to you that this (an Antonin Scalia opinion) sets the stage for a revolutionary new context necessary and Constitutionally mandated to “we the people”, THE FOURTH BRANCH of the Government of the United States. Besides, the Legislative, Executive, and Judicial branches, I submit that there is a fourth branch, THE GRAND JURY, and “we the people” when sitting as grand jurors, are, as Scalia quoted in US v. Williams, ” a constitutional fixture in its own right”. Yes, damn it. That is exactly what the grand jury is, and what it was always intended to be…..

Donofrio concludes with:

The law is on our side. So please spread this knowledge as far and wide as you can. We the people have the right and power under the 5th Amendment of the Constitution to charge this government with crimes by returning presentments regardless of whether the US Attorneys or the federal judges agree with us. As the Supreme Court has so brilliantly stated, we are the “buffer between the Government and the people.”

National Grand Jury?

The Census Usurped: Day 19 – February 7, 2009

February 8, 2009

“Deeply deeply troubling Obama development. President b. Hussein is removing the Census taking from the Commerce department and moving it to the White House. Bear in mind that President O has allocated one billion dollars in the porkulous package for the already automatically funded census taking.”

Look at the seal of the Bureau of the Census. It was the intent of the framers of the this great country (the first census after the American Revolution was taken in 1790 under Secretary of State Thomas Jefferson) to keep the census out of partisan hands. This move by ACORN organizer and current President seems a deliberate violation of the Constitution. And yes, I think his ACORN days (illegal voter registrations etc) and the gaming of the Census data are tied. (from Atlas Shrugs

This from Discovery Blog via Sweetness & Light:

Power flows from an accurate Census Count. Everyone involved for years has seen the count therefore a sacred trust. It must not be polluted with even a semblance of Presidential meddling. (article by Bruce Chapman, director of Bureau of the Census from 1981-83)

From another commentator:

….Neither is the situation dire enough to prevent the White House from grabbing control of the Census Bureau. Apparently, Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel has plenty of extra time on his hands — no significant crises of any kind to deal with such as the economy, the release of nuclear salesman A.Q. Kahn by Pakistan, or an Iran that continues to “clench its fists”.

The Census is used “to allocate federal aid to states and draw electoral districts.”

Pulling the Census Bureau into the White House is a nakedly partisan ploy and another direct slap in the face to voters who believed his campaign promises. (From Doug Ross

Everything will be OK; Obamabunny is on it!

Everything will be OK; Obamabunny is on it!

An Air Force Officer Speaks Out: Day 14 – Feb 2, 2009

February 2, 2009

From: Dr. David A. Earl- Graef LtCol. USAFRDate: 1 Feb 2009,

Dear Senator Warner,

I am in receipt of your letter of 26 Jan 2009. While I thank you for taking the time to respond I can’t express in words my disappointment in your response. I have given much thought to this issue and take offense in so much as you would apparently dismiss my concerns without a thorough investigation into the validity of my questions. So it is that I am again compelled to write to you and ask your re-consideration. Please do not dismiss prima fasciae, as if this has already been addressed, but read what I have to say.

The requirement to be a “Natural Born” citizen is very specific as you point out in Article II, Section 1, and Clause 5 as it applies to the office of the POTUS. The Framers in their construct recognize there IS a difference between a Citizen and a Natural Born Citizen. The requirement was instituted to provide a safeguard that the POTUS would have undivided loyalty to the United States. I share the opinion of Attorneys Orly Taitz and Phil Berg who are among the Constitutional Attorneys bringing these cases to the State, Federal and Supreme Court that Natural Born status also requires that BOTH parents be citizens; a condition we know is NOT the instance in the case. This is not a trivial question left for Legal Academics to debate, it is about our Constitution and a matter for Congress and our Supreme Court.

To date, no case challenging the qualifications of President Obama to hold that Office has been heard on its merits…. (more…)

The End of Democracy: Day 5 – January 24, 2009

January 24, 2009

A little noticed aspect of the Obama inaugural address; one important word conspicuously absent” DEMOCRACY.

Joe Rosenthal at Pajamas Media comments:

Amidst all the “soaring rhetoric” and many high-sounding words in Barack Obama’s inauguration speech, one word was conspicuous precisely by its absence: “democracy.” Neither the noun “democracy” nor the adjective “democratic” was uttered. The “democracy agenda” so closely associated with the foreign policy ideas of President Bush appears to be well and truly off the table. But the “democracy agenda” was not only an integral part of Bush foreign policy; it has — at least on the level of rhetoric — been an integral part of American foreign policy as such for decades now…..

Rosenthal mentions the word count for “democracy” and “democratic” in previous inaugural addresses: Bushes & Clinton 20 – Obama Zero

More disturbing is the mangling of our sacred founding text in the Obama address.

Paul Kengor (American Thinker 1/24/09) writes: (excerpts)

Something quite notable was said before an audience of tens of millions of Americans on January 20, 2009. And although I wasn’t the only one who noticed, the full implications seem to have been missed.

Alluding to the American founders, President Barack Obama, in his Inaugural Address, stated: “The time has come to reaffirm our enduring spirit; to choose our better history; to carry forward that precious gift, that noble idea, passed on from generation to generation: the God-given promise that all are equal, all are free, and all deserve a chance to pursue their full measure of happiness.” This seemed to be a reference to the Declaration of Independence, or at least to the principles in that sacred political document.
The moment I heard those words, I immediately noticed — as did others who quickly commented — that Obama neglected two crucial things from the most famous line not only in the Declaration of Independence but in the essence of the American founding: 1) He left out the unalienable right to “Life;” and 2) He left out the words “created” and “Creator” — the God who “endows” that “Right,” a right which is a “self-evident” “truth.”
This slight was significant for a myriad of reasons. Chief among them, it is patently clear — as it was to the American founders — that one must have life before one can even begin to entertain liberty and the pursuit of happiness…..Whether the new president — and his speechwriter and staff — realized it or not, he appears to have inter-mixed the core of the Declaration of Independence with the core slogan of the French Revolution: “liberty, equality, and fraternity.” He seems to have integrated the guiding document of the French Revolution, the Declaration of the Rights of Man, with the guiding document of the American Revolution.
There, too, in the Declaration of the Rights of Man, the emphasis on “life” is replaced with “equality,” as it was in the new president’s Inaugural Address. In the French manifesto, the word “life” is non-existent, as are the words “God” and “created” or “Creator.”….
The American founders, who read the French documents, saw the dangers endemic in the words of the French revolutionaries. As John Adams wrote to Thomas Jefferson, expressing his trepidation for the French Revolution, “I know not what to make of a republic of thirty million atheists.”

So, how can it happen that such a mangling of the most famous quotation in American history could take place before the (supposedly) largest crowd at the most hyped inaugural ever, and with such a profound, far-reaching twist of language, and few noticed or care? The answer is American education, from K-12 to higher education, which is a human disaster…..
Death of Democracy

Bungled Oath Do-Over: Day 3: Jan 22, 2009

January 22, 2009
No Bible

Obama Re-Sworn: No Bible

Fox News’ Chris Wallace wonders “….whether or not Barack Obama in fact is the President of the United States , they had a garbled oath, it’s just conceivable that this will go to the courts…”

(You Tube Video)

Acting out of what White House counsel Greg Craig called “an abundance of caution“, Chief Justice John G. Roberts administered Obama’a oath of office a second time Wednesday. This do over may be unprecedented and must be an embarrassment for the Chief Justice. The second swearing-in took place in the White House Map Room according to Washington Post. (via Drudge) No Lincoln Bible this time around:

“….After flubbing his one role on Inauguration Day — administering the oath of office to Obama — Roberts traveled to the White House to re-administer the oath…..After a flawless recitation that included no Bible and took 25 seconds, Roberts smiled and said, ‘Congratulations, again.'”

Such abundance of caution may be prompted by the Obama administration’s wariness concerning the dozens of law suits still pending regarding his eligibility to be President. There are litigants in waiting pledged to challenge Obama’s every action taken as President because of his constitutional ineligibility, i.e. his usurpation. Fox News reported on the re swearing-in:

President Obama took the oath of office for a second time Wednesday, FOX News confirms, after Chief Justice John Roberts and the new president stumbled slightly over the language on Inauguration Day.

Some constitutional scholars had suggested that Obama re-take the oath just to be on the safe side. Obama did not substantively change any language on Tuesday, but after Roberts flubbed some of the wording the new president used language different from that prescribed in the Constitution.

Blog Wizbang was out front on this story:

….They were concerned about even a sliver’s chance that someone could bring a lawsuit and try to argue that he did not meet the Constitutional requirements to be president because he didn’t say the oath absolutely as it was supposed to be said…..

Ed Morrissey at Hot Air comments:

Apparently Barack Obama must read the blogs, or listen to constitutional lawyers on television. The new President took some free advice and re-took the oath of office today, just to be on the safe side….The prospect of President Joe Biden must have caused Obama a sleepless night in his new residence. And as it turns out, Obama wasn’t the first president to flub the oath on Inauguration Day. Calvin Coolidge and Chester Arthur both had do-overs after fumbling the first attempt, the AP notes. I’m pretty sure that Obama has to feel some relief at not making history with this.

By the way, Chester Arthur was the original usurper; a long article about his duplicity is here.

Maureen Dowd, NY Times columnist, uses the “U” word in an article about the Hillary Clinton confirmation hearings: h/t Free Republic (emphasis added)

(Hillary Clinton) will easily intimidate the world’s dictators, just as she often intimidated Obama in the primaries. But it remains to be seen whether she can put aside her tendency to see disagreement as disloyalty. Can she work at the State Department with those who deserted her to support the usurper Obama? Can she manage Foggy Bottom better than she managed her foggy campaign?

Obama Sworn In

Obama Sworn In

Also see : Obama’s Bad Omens by Jed Babbin at Human Events

Obama the Usurper: Day 1 Jan. 20, 2009

January 18, 2009

Let us pray that Chief Justice Roberts keeps the following oaths firmly in mind when facing the ineligible Barack Hussein Obama on Inauguration Day 2009.

In the United States, federal judges are required to take not just one, but two oaths. The first oath is this:

I, John G. Roberts, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will administer justice without respect to persons, and do equal right to the poor and to the rich, and that I will faithfully and impartially discharge and perform all the duties incumbent upon me as XXX under the Constitution and laws of the United States. So help me God.

The second oath that federal judges must take is this::

I, John G. Roberts, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.

Alas, I believe the affirmations will go unheeded and the usurpation will have begun. Obama, of course, will swear whatever is required to obtain the office of POTUS.

Following reprinted from Steady Habits, Departing From the Constitutional Road”,November 17, ’08:

“No country upon earth ever had it more in its power to attain these blessings than United America. Wondrously strange, then, and much to be regretted indeed would it be, were we to neglect the means and to depart from the road which Providence has pointed us to so plainly; I cannot believe it will ever come to pass.”
—George Washington, letter to Benjamin Lincoln, June 29, 1788

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
–Preamble to The United States Constitution

The Constitution of the United States has endured for over two centuries. It remains the object of reverence for nearly all Americans and an object of admiration by peoples around the world. William Gladstone was right in 1878 when he described the U.S. Constitution as “the most wonderful work ever struck off at a given time by the brain and purpose of man”. –Edwin Meese III; The Heritage Guide to the Constitution,

We assume that in fact no one would dare to run for and claim the Presidency if he/she didn’t meet the qualifications of the Constitution.“ –From TD Blog, “Four Questions for the Trogan Candidate”

While International socialists gloat (“American has been cut down to size”)* and smug former terrorists (that would be Ayers and Dohrn) blandly proclaim they meant no harm, one can only hope that come January 20th Chief Justice Roberts will have assured himself that Barack H. Obama is indeed eligible to attain to the office of President of The United States. The nation teeters on the brink of a constitutional crisis so huge that it actually could be ignored or dismissed by the very people (that would be the supremes) who are sworn to uphold it.

Perhaps one can sense now why Barack Hussein Obama chose constitutional law as his personal field of specialization. It is becoming increasingly clear that Mr. Obama has known all along that he is constitutionally ineligible for President of The United States but has nevertheless mounted an extremely successful campaign which threatens an end run around the Constitution and has brought him nearly to the U.S. Presidency.

We are witnessing the greatest fraud ever perpetrated upon our people: the imminent attainment to the Presidency of the United States by a usurper, one Barack Hussein Obama, who has used every device and subterfuge to avoid proving his eligibility to hold the office.

*…. America has been cut down to size and the beneficiaries are those who were always jealous of her wealth and power. The result will not only be less U.S economic power but the diminution of American military power. One will inevitably follow the other, especially if more U.S. manufacturing industries go bankrupt.

Imminent Usurpation
No person except a natural born citizen, or a citizen of the United States, at the time of the adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the office of President….(United States Constitution, Article II, Section 2)